Message From the PresidentGreetings Neighbors and Friends, I hope this message finds you well. The February 2020 edition of the Urban Dweller--Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods' (CHUN) monthly e-newsletter--is available online. Here is the latest from your registered neighborhood organization and community advocate: Annual Member Meeting: More than 100 members and community leaders joined us for the 2020 Annual Membership Meeting on January 9th. The annual meeting is a report to our members that includes a year-in-review, a discussion about issues facing the city, the election of at-large delegates, and other organizational updates. CHUN also presented its inaugural S.E.E.D. Awards and the 2020 Good Neighbor Awards. A full list and more information is included in the newsletter. Financial Report: In 2019, CHUN's net ordinary income was very healthy, with a net gain of more than $59,000. The financial recovery and success of CHUN over the past few years has resulted in more than $150,000 cash on hand. To our members, donors, sponsors, and even Tears-McFarlane patrons/tenants, we have been responsible stewards of your generosity and commitment. Simply investment in our RNO is money well spent. Tears-McFarlane House & Community Center: CHUN filed a rezoning application, a planned unit development (PUD), for our home at 1290 Williams Street. The rezoning plan includes restoring the historic mansion and adding other neighborhood-friendly amenities for locals to use and enjoy. For decades, neighbors and community stakeholders have looked to the Tears-McFarlane House & Community Center as a focal point for community building, diversity and inclusion, and a place to engage in local programs. Located just north of Cheesman Park, the property has hosted everything from concerts in the park to serving as the national office for Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG). And, after digging through our archives, we discovered the property had a café in the early 1980s and was supported by CHUN board alumni and Denver dignitaries. If the rezoning is approved, neighbors will be able to enjoy a coffee during their morning walk; wine in the evening after a long week; and plenty of opportunities to connect with neighbors and friends. Governance Reform: Since becoming president of the board, my colleagues and I have collectively cleaned up the Tears-McFarlane House (literally)--removing clutter and eliminating disorganization. The next phase of this "clean-up" has been refining governance processes and procedures. Last year, we worked with our legal counsel to adopt new articles of incorporation to comply with current state statutes. We also adopted a conflict of interest policy since this has posed a challenge for the organization in the past. At the annual meeting, the CHUN board presented amended and adopted new by-laws to be consistent with the local, state, and federal laws governing nonprofits and registered neighborhood organizations. The membership approved the by-laws as presented. In general, they are streamlined and much more structured. Other modifications include term-limits, two-year terms for directors, membership categories, etc. At-Large Delegates & Executive Committee Appointed: 18 at-large delegates were elected in January. It is great to see so many new, and returning, names join our efforts to shape the future of Denver. The CHUN board appointed its executive committee. Congratulations to the following Bill DeMaio & Rod Mullins: Co-Vice President(s) of Tears-McFarlane House; Andrea Hamilton, Vice-President of Membership; Molly Williams, Vice-President of Fundraising and Development; Mark Cossin, Vice-President of Neighborhood Engagement; Richard Wilson, Treasurer; and Nichole Racelis, Secretary. I was reappointed as President. My deepest thanks to my board colleagues for their leadership. Their efforts to advance our organization's mission and purpose is invaluable. Programmatic Highlights: Convening neighborhood conversations and events about the vexing issues of the day remains the cornerstone of our work. During 2019, we gave the CHUN "Seal of Approval" to a number of projects in the city. In January, we issued a letter of support for the proposed rezoning of 2137 Glenarm Place property from its current designation of R3-UO-3 to C-RX-8--paving the way for residential, mix-used development along a major transit corridor and located near downtown. We also received an update from the Denver Urban Renewal Authority and Senior Housing Options. Each presentation helped underscore the value of registered neighborhood organizations and CHUN's central role in shaping the direction of our city. February is Black History Month. I encourage you to reflect on the civil rights movement and the artistic, economic, cultural, and political achievements of African Americans in Denver, Colorado, and beyond. Resources and exhibits can be found at the Blair-Caldwell Branch of the Denver Public Library, History Colorado, and VisitDenver. For the Mile High City, Travis Leiker President, Board of Delegates Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods, Inc. Member of the Month
Congratulations to the Inaugural S.E.E.D. Award WinnersLaunched in 2019, the S.E.E.D. Funding Initiative was designed to encourage civic entrepreneurship and community engagement by providing financial support for small, scalable projects aligned with CHUN's mission and values. Awards ranged between $500 and $1000 per group. The 2020 recipients are as follows:
2020 Good Neighbor Award RecipientsThe annual Good Neighbor Awards are a longstanding tradition for our organization and an opportunity to recognize extraordinary contributions to the greater Capitol Hill community. We congratulate the following for their service and commitment:
Upcoming EventsGenerosity Week!
The organizations involved are:
List of Events:
Urban Matters: Neighborhood Enrichment & Citizen Engagement
FREE Sensory-Friendly Mornings at the Molly Brown House MuseumHistoric Denver knows that the guided tour format doesn’t always work for individuals on the Autism Spectrum. The Molly Brown House Museum invites families and individuals on the spectrum, or with other special needs, to join us for a self-guided experience, followed by hands-on activities. Sensory-Friendly Mornings take place from 9:00 - 10:00 am on the following dates:
Learn more about access programs from Historic Denver by visiting: Additional community events and meetings...
CHUN Committee UpdatesAs CHUN continues to enhance its programming, the Board of Delegates has recently refined the names, scope, and vision for its primary committees.
For a complete list of CHUN's committees, please visit the Committee Page and check the CHUN website for upcoming meetings and events. Top Neighborhood News Stories Rezoning Application filed for CHUN's Historic Tears-McFarlane HouseDID YOU KNOW?! Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods (CHUN) has filed a rezoning application for The Tears McFarlane House and Community Center at 1290 Williams Street. After nearly 3 years of public outreach, neighborhood feedback, as well as guidance provided by seasoned city planners and consultants, the rezoning application submitted requests a planned unit development (PUD) for the property. This was done in order to preserve the historic house, protect the neighborhood's interests for the future(limited sounds, traffic, types of use, etc.), and still provide a new community engaged space that fits with the community's wants and needs. CHUN hopes to restore the historic house in order to deliver a community-building space that is enhanced by its centralized location, neighborhood walkability, and over 40 years of history as both an office space and a community center. We need YOUR help to get this done. To support this rezoning effort, please call 303-830-1651 or email us at [email protected] to learn more about the project and how to support us in this great endeavor. New CHUN At-Large Board Members Announced!Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods hosted our annual membership meeting to provide an organization update to our supporters, members, and the broader community. We also elected new, at-large members. Congratulations to these wonderful neighbors and community advocates! East Central Area Plan: Public Draft Review
To add your voice, follow these three quick steps:
Here are a few examples of how you can voice your thoughts through feedback:
Watch the East Central Area Plan Overview Video to get started: Warren Village Becomes the Newest Home of a Blue Bench
Join the 2020 Denver Compost Challenge!Did you know that organic materials such as leaves, branches, grass clippings and food scraps make up almost 50% of what Denver residents send to the landfill each year. In order to meet Denver’s 2020 goal of recycling and composting 34%, Denver needs to recycle and compost 31,000 tons more each year. Denver Compost Challenge Goals include:
To learn more about composting and the 2020 Denver Compost Challenge visit Join the Denver Compost Challenge Group on Facebook. Together, we can do this! Want to find ideas for how to plan events in your neighborhood? Get the Denver Compost Challenge Toolkit provided by the Denver Sustainable Neighborhood Program! Denver Digs Trees applications are now available!
Also In The News Climate & Sustainability
A Special Thanks to Some of Our Business and Community Partner Members:
The Urban Dweller is published on the first, working Monday of each month. To submit your content via email, please click on the button below. Content is due by the 25th DAY of each month.