Message from the PresidentDear Neighbors and Friends - Welcome to the latest edition of our monthly newsletter --The Urban Dweller. In the spirit of making lists and checking them twice, here is what I am planning to accomplish this month:
For Denver... Travis Leiker, President Board of Delegates Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods Business Partner of the MonthSpecial thanks to Mark Whistler and The Goods Restaurant for their steadfast support. As a community focused foodie eatery--with a little something for everyone. Vegan, vegetarian, and gluten free friendly, along with awesome eats for carnivores as well--locally owned, neighborhood restaurants are essential to building and shaping our community. To join CHUN as a business member and community partner, please click HERE. Kick off the Holiday Season with CHUN
Giving Begins in Your Neighborhood: Support CHUN on ColoradoGives DayBefore you head over to the party on December 4th, don't forget that Tuesday is also Colorado Gives Day. This is a once-a-year, statewide opportunity for people to quickly and easily make donations to their favorite nonprofits...including Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods. The Colorado Community First Foundation and 1st Bank have established a $1 million incentive fund that will be split among local organizations relative to the amounts donated to each on December 4, allowing them to incrementally extend their support: the more people donate to CHUN on ColoradoGives Day, the more we will realize from that incentive fund. Since the first ColoradoGives Day in 2010, more than $182 million has been raised for our state's nonprofits. You can read more about ColoradoGives Day and how CHUN uses our resources to deliver on our mission HERE. November's Neighborhood Assemblies UpdateNeighbors in Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods' 10 neighborhoods attended annual assemblies during November to discuss issues and events in their areas and to elect delegates who will serve in 2019 on CHUN's Board of Delegates. NH 1 & 2 - Submitted by Travis Leiker: Residents of CHUN neighborhoods 1 and 2 met at Workability - an innovative shared work space located in Denver's Uptown Neighborhood - on November 5 to elect neighborhood representatives and to discuss safety and sustainability in Denver's neighborhoods. Joining us for the conversation was David DiGiacomo, representing Vision Zero Denver and Fallene Wells, owner of Let 'Em Have It Salon. David provided a robust overview of Vision Zero's efforts to improve safety on Denver roads no matter where we live and what mode of transportation we may use. Residents asked thoughtful questions about the program's funding and gathered myriad ways in which groups (like CHUN) can promote the programs goal of Zero traffic-related deaths and serious injuries by 2030. Fallene Wells established Let 'em Have It Salon in 2013. Since then, it has evolved into one of Denver's most socially and environmentally small businesses. As a Certified B Corporation, the salon promotes the highest standards of social and environmental protection, transparency in the workplace, and efforts to balance profits and purpose inclusive of the products used and promoting environmental responsibility among their team members. As owner of one of only three Certified B Corporations in the world, Fallene provided a comprehensive overview of why this work is so important and how each consumer can encourage other businesses to the same.
Learn About What's Going on in Your 'HoodBus Riders Wanted: RTD is looking for regular bus and train riders who are interested in sharing their ideas on the 2019 Customer Panel. The 15-member panel meets four times a year to provide valuable input on products and services that can help better serve customers. Panel members receive a free Regional monthly pass for each month they attend a meeting and a free annual EcoPass for the following year if they attend all four meetings. RTD is accepting applications through December 14, 2018. Still Time to Weigh in on Plans for Denver's Next 20+ Years! Nearly 2,000 people offered feedback about the ideas in the Denveright plans. They've been hard at work reviewing your feedback. Several RNOs and civic groups got deadline extensions through the end of this month; in December the city will analyze the collective input and begin to amend the plans accordingly. In early January, we’ll release updated drafts of Comprehensive Plan 2040, Blueprint Denver and Game Plan for a Healthy City, along with a reader guide so you can easily find what’s changed. Through March you’ll have several more chances to talk with city planners about the plans and share your opinion with us and with the Denver Planning Board. In April at public hearings, Denver City Council will consider adopting the plans. The Denver Moves: Transit plan, and the Denver Moves: Pedestrians and Trails plan — which are not approved by Denver City Council — will be finalized and published in January.* Learn more about the Denveright plans’ review and adoption schedules now. Sanitary Work Scheduled for CCN and Congress Park The City of Denver will be conducting a sanitary mainline improvement project in the Cherry Creek neighborhood between December 2018 and August 2019 to improve and repair sanitary mainlines, some of which are over 100 years old. The sanitary mainline is a large pipe where all of the water from dishwashers, washing machines, sinks, toilets, showers and bathtubs flows after it leaves homes or businesses. The sanitary mainline is usually located in the street in front of properties, or in alleys. Before work begins, the contractor—Insituform Technologies, LLC—will place notices on the front doors of properties or contact a property manager or business owner. The purpose of these notices is to provide a more precise time of when the work will occur. Construction will typically require a temporary lane closure for equipment and material at two existing manholes located in the roadway and/or alley. There will be no digging or demolition associated with this project, so disruption to the neighborhood is far less significant than replacing sanitary lines. The main drawback is that residents and businesses are requested to not discharge to the sanitary system during day of installation (typically from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.),but accommodations can be made for businesses that cannot stop discharging to the sanitary system (e.g. performing the lining at night when restaurants are closed). There can also be an odor from the styrene resin during curing. A mailer and door hangers will be distributed to inform residents and business owners on how to minimize this odor prior to the construction. Please direct any questions to [email protected]. Events Build CommunityBe Kind to Your TreesBe A SmartASH this winter and throughout the year: It's important to remember a few things that will help preserve Denver's precious tree canopy. Thanks to the City's "Be a Smart Ash" team for these tips especially for new/young trees:
Get Your Tickets Now for Great Choral MusicOur partners at the Denver Gay Men's Chorus and the Women's Chorus have some great concerts coming up. Support these artistic efforts by your neighbors: The Denver Gay Men’s Chorus Ho Ho Hoedown to Hollywood: DGMC’s Holiday Show November 29-December1, Denver | December 7, Boulder | December 9, Highlands Ranch | Tickets on sale now! The Denver Women’s Chorus Nevertheless, We Persist: Singing Our Stories for 35 Years January 25-26, 2019 | Central Presbyterian Church, 1660 Sherman, Denver, CO 80202 | Tickets on sale now! The Denver Gay Men’s Chorus Olé Olé Olé: Great Hispanic Vocal Artists March 15-16, Ellie Caulkins Opera House, Denver | Additional dates TBA | Tickets on sale soon! After Christmas, It's Time to TreecycleTheTreecycle program enables Denver residents to recycle their holidays trees for free in the new year by leaving them out for collection in early January. Trees must be placed at a home’s normal trash set-out location by 7 a.m. on one of two scheduled trash collection days during the two-week Treecycle collection period (Note: Denver residents that are not eligible for collection services provided by Denver Solid Waste Management are encouraged to utilize one of the two Treecycle drop-off options). More than 20,000 trees were recycled after last year’s holiday season, and we’re hoping for even more participation this year. All trees collected during Treecycle are ground into mulch that is distributed to Denver residents for free during the Mulch Giveaway & Compost Sale event in the spring. Treecycle is sponsored byDenver Recycles, a program of the City & County of Denver’s Public Works / Solid Waste Management division. If you have any questions, or if you would like to receive printed posters or flyers, please contact me at 303-446-3569. All program details can be found at Thank you for your cooperation and support. Waste Not...Recycle During the HolidaysIt’s the most “wasteful” time of the year! It’s estimated the average household generates 25% more waste between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. With the upcoming holiday season, America Recycles Day today is the perfect day for people to start thinking about reducing their waste by taking advantage of Denver’s seasonal recycling and composting programs. Tips for reducing waste this holiday season:
Learning Knows No Age LimitCuriosity Never Retires. Classes offered by Osher Life Long Learning Institute (OLLI), at the University of Denver. Classes will commence on January 14th for ages 50+. Classes are mostly for 8 weeks, two hours each week, Monday through Friday, mornings at 9:30 and afternoons at 1:00 . No tests, no grades, homework optional and great discussion. More than 60 different classes on myriad and diversified topics will be held at First Universalist Church of Denver, Park Hill United Methodist Church or Raffatto Hall at DU. A fee of $130 will allow you to take as many classes you wish . Go to for details, maps, class registration and contact information. CHUN Committee NewsHistoric Preservation Committee Please attend our next CHUN Historic Preservation meeting, which will not be until Monday January 28 at 7pm at the Castle Marne at 1572 Race. This will give time for a holiday respite and for Discover Denver to complete much of its surveying of West Cheesman and City Park West. Beth Glandon of Discover Denver will be our only speaker and we need to spend most of the meeting discussing/deciding what we want to do about possible landmark district designation of some of those neighborhoods. The CHUN Historic Preservation Committee met on October 29, 2018 at 1201 Williams Street and discussed the following items:
Zoning, Transportation, Land Use and Licensing Committee Please join us for our next meeting on Wednesday, December 5th, 7pm -1201 Williams Street – 19th-floor party room; Located at the North edge of Cheesman Park; guest parking to south of high-rise RTD Bus Route 10, exit Gilpin Street Stop & walk due north to bldg. entrance. Bicycle and auto parking available to south of high-rise and on both sides of East 13thAvenue AGENDA:
News from Around the Denver
Public Meetings and Notices
The Urban Dweller is published on the first, working Monday of each month. To submit your content via email, please click on the button below. Content is due by the 25th DAY of each month.