46th Annual People's FairMeet Our Newest Resident @ The Mansion, Woodman's Keys!
Report: Advance Directive Workshop at Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods
Nobody likes to talk about how to manage death and incapacitating illness, but those are very important subjects. People need to protect themselves and their families by making tough decisions about these uncomfortable topics before there's a crisis and they're necessary.
Capitol Hill and Centura Health co-sponsored a workshop on Sunday, May 21 at the Tears-McFarlane House to educate people about the importance of having an Advance Directive and a Power of Attorney. Centura's Chief Bioethicist, Emma Kagel, presented the facts and offered forms to fill out and Notary Elinor Blomgren was on hand to make them official. About 15 people attended. The workshop was the first of three that Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods and Centura Health will hold. The next two will be held in September. One will be tailored for younger adults and the other for older adults. The workshops are free and anyone is invited to register. Watch this space and the CHUN Events Calendar for more information. Let's Get Social!
This past month we organized a friendly Neighborhood Social Gathering at Walter's 303 Pizzeria & Publik House - Uptown.
Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods organizes these "Let's Get Social" events several times a year throughout the greater Capitol Hill Neighborhood. The gatherings are a good opportunity to meet friends, families, and neighbors in a casual atmosphere while also supporting the local businesses. Based on feedback from this past gathering we will be including signage to identify ourselves better for folks who are venturing out to meet us for the first time. And we will are making it a priority to ensure we select social settings that are accessible to all residents. Our sincere apologies to the folks who made a special effort to join us this past month only to be disappointed because we could not be found or the space was inaccessible. Please keep an eye out for our next event later this summer. Green News
Upcoming Events & Social Gatherings
Please check our Events Calendar at chundenver.org for gatherings, meetings and events coming up throughout the summer. You can also check out our Facebook page and the CHUN Parents group page.
Remember the historic Tears-McFarlane House and property are available to host your social event, meeting, wedding, baby shower, party, or memorial service. Visit the Events page to check availability and to reserve your space. CCAF Colorado Artists Preview June 5 - June 9 For five days in June, Room & Board will be displaying pieces of artwork from some of Cherry Creek Arts Festival, Colorado artists. Get a sneak peak of the artwork in their showroom located at 222 Detroit St Cherry Creek North! |
Update: Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods Historic Preservation Committee Meeting
By Michael Henry, Interim Committee Chair
The Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods Historic Preservation Committee met on June 5, 2017. The following subjects were discussed:
The Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods Historic Preservation Committee met on June 5, 2017. The following subjects were discussed:
- Stan Spiegelman, Vice- President of GFI Development Company, headquartered in New York City, and Darcy Vertuca and Becky Stone of OZ Architecture discussed their plans to renovate the former Cathedral High School at 1840 Grant Street and the associated Malo Gymnasium at 1835 Logan Street. CHUN and Historic Denver worked several years ago to save both buildings from demolition. GFI, the current owner, has had experience restoring and re-using several historic buildings around the country. They intend to turn the former convent and high school into a hotel with ground-floor restaurants and the gymnasium into a hotel event center. The current parking lot at the southwest corner of East 19th Avenue and Logan will be redeveloped into an 11-story office building with 4 or 5 levels of underground parking. All members of the committee were supportive of the new project. GFI still needs to obtain historic tax credits and zoning and building permits.
- Committee member Kathleen Wells led a discussion of how committee members and other CHUN members can participate in the upcoming city Neighborhood Planning Initiative for the east-central Denver neighborhoods. Public meetings are expected to begin in late summer of 2017. We want to stress the values of our historic neighborhoods, including the architectural, historic and economic value. Areas of Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods that we might want to focus on for possible designation as landmark districts and/or conservation districts include West Cheesman, East 17th Avenue commercial district, South City Park residential area and north Congress Park.
- Jim Peiker, the proprietor of the Castle Marne Bed and Breakfast at 1572 Race Street, gave a preview of a book that he is writing and hopes to publish by Christmas of this year about the history of the building and the families that have lived there, interesting guests at the B&B, the Capitol Hill–Cheesman Park neighborhoods and the Wyman Historic District and the neighborhood organizations in the area.
News From the City

City Wants to Know What You Think About Marijuana Social Consumption Rules
A draft of the city’s proposed Social Consumption Rules & Regulations has been posted on the Denver Excise & Licenses Social Consumption WEBPAGE. The city invites everyone to review the document and provide feedback via the form on the webpage. Please see the DRAFT Rules & Regulations.
A public hearing has been scheduled for additional review and feedback. The hearing will be at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 13, in Room 4.G.2 of the Webb Building, 201 W. Colfax Ave. Comments may also be sent directly via email to [email protected] until June 13.
The Department of Excise & Licenses welcomes all participation at the public hearing and looks forward to gaining feedback and input from the community. Special thanks to the members of the Social Consumption Advisory Committee, who worked diligently over the course of three months and six meetings to help craft these proposed rules.
A draft of the city’s proposed Social Consumption Rules & Regulations has been posted on the Denver Excise & Licenses Social Consumption WEBPAGE. The city invites everyone to review the document and provide feedback via the form on the webpage. Please see the DRAFT Rules & Regulations.
A public hearing has been scheduled for additional review and feedback. The hearing will be at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 13, in Room 4.G.2 of the Webb Building, 201 W. Colfax Ave. Comments may also be sent directly via email to [email protected] until June 13.
The Department of Excise & Licenses welcomes all participation at the public hearing and looks forward to gaining feedback and input from the community. Special thanks to the members of the Social Consumption Advisory Committee, who worked diligently over the course of three months and six meetings to help craft these proposed rules.
2017 Public Safety Expo The Denver Police Department has proudly partnered with the Colorado State Patrol and Regis University to host the 2017 Public Safety Expo.
Join us at this fun, family, summer event! Event Information:
Join us at this fun, family, summer event! Event Information:
- Date: June 10, 2017 • Time: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
- Cost: Free!
- Location: Regis University Lot 6, 3333 Regis Boulevard, Denver, CO 80221 (50th Ave and Federal Blvd)

Parking in City-Owned Lots Made Easier
People parking in city-owned lots now have a new way to pay!
Denver Public Works is partnering with Parkmobile, LLC to allow commuters to use their smartphones to pay for off-street parking spaces and receive notifications when their time is expiring.
Cindy Patton, parking and mobility services manager for Denver Public Works said, “This new technology will allow people to park, pay via their mobile device, and not be required to stop or wait in line at a pay station. We are excited to provide this new mobile payment option that provides greater customer service to our residents and visitors so they can get to and from their destinations more efficiently.”
To use the new Parkmobile system, customers must create an account using the free mobile app (available for iPhone and Android), online at www.parkmobile.com, or by calling the toll-free number posted at the participating lots. Mobile app users can submit payments by phone and receive expiration alerts, decreasing the chance of parking fines, as Right of Way Enforcement agents will be able to verify the payment wirelessly.
A nominal Parkmobile transaction fee is charged for each parking session, in addition to the regularly charged parking fees. The app will recognize a customer’s location, provide parking duration options, and complete the purchase.
Parkmobile will be offered at all seven of the surface public parking lots Denver Public Works manages. Most public parking lots are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
People parking in city-owned lots now have a new way to pay!
Denver Public Works is partnering with Parkmobile, LLC to allow commuters to use their smartphones to pay for off-street parking spaces and receive notifications when their time is expiring.
Cindy Patton, parking and mobility services manager for Denver Public Works said, “This new technology will allow people to park, pay via their mobile device, and not be required to stop or wait in line at a pay station. We are excited to provide this new mobile payment option that provides greater customer service to our residents and visitors so they can get to and from their destinations more efficiently.”
To use the new Parkmobile system, customers must create an account using the free mobile app (available for iPhone and Android), online at www.parkmobile.com, or by calling the toll-free number posted at the participating lots. Mobile app users can submit payments by phone and receive expiration alerts, decreasing the chance of parking fines, as Right of Way Enforcement agents will be able to verify the payment wirelessly.
A nominal Parkmobile transaction fee is charged for each parking session, in addition to the regularly charged parking fees. The app will recognize a customer’s location, provide parking duration options, and complete the purchase.
Parkmobile will be offered at all seven of the surface public parking lots Denver Public Works manages. Most public parking lots are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Acme Lot – 1430 14th Street
- Auraria Lot – 1310 Larimer Street
- Bannock Lot – 1345 North Bannock Street
- Chestnut Lot – 2004 Chestnut Place
- Firehouse Lot – 1322 Blake Street
- North Elati Lot – 1395 N. Elati Street (open nights and weekends only)
- South Elati Lot – 1309 North Elati Street
Could You Serve on the Police Community Advisory Rules?
Continuing with Department’s mission to collaborate with the community to make Denver a better and safer place for all its members, DPD invites interested community members to apply to join the Chief’s Community Advisory Board. Selected members of the Chief’s Community Advisory Board will advise the Chief of Police on issues, matters and public policies, which influence or impact the ongoing relationship between the Denver Police Department, and the community we serve.
The Chief’s Community Advisory Board is empowered by the Chief of Police and the Executive Director of Public Safety for the City and County of Denver. This board is initiated by the Chief and Executive Director in recognition of the overwhelming need for the community and police to work together, in a collaborative and cooperative way, to best serve all the people of the City and County of Denver.
To carry out its duty and responsibility, the Chief’s Community Advisory Board will at a minimum;
Continuing with Department’s mission to collaborate with the community to make Denver a better and safer place for all its members, DPD invites interested community members to apply to join the Chief’s Community Advisory Board. Selected members of the Chief’s Community Advisory Board will advise the Chief of Police on issues, matters and public policies, which influence or impact the ongoing relationship between the Denver Police Department, and the community we serve.
The Chief’s Community Advisory Board is empowered by the Chief of Police and the Executive Director of Public Safety for the City and County of Denver. This board is initiated by the Chief and Executive Director in recognition of the overwhelming need for the community and police to work together, in a collaborative and cooperative way, to best serve all the people of the City and County of Denver.
To carry out its duty and responsibility, the Chief’s Community Advisory Board will at a minimum;
- Demonstrate an ongoing and credible participation and communication within Denver's communities.
- Engage in two-way communication with their community constituency, advocating for their perspective, ideas and concerns; as well as serving as a responsible conduit for communicating and updating their community on police actions and decisions.
- Promote and engage in ongoing community engagement.
- Assume an active role in police community discussions, recommendations and strategy to enhance the social, economic and political interests of the community.
- Build coalitions intended to strengthen the ongoing relationships between the police and the community.
- Function in the role of part think tank and part action group; making recommendations to the Chief about relevant issues in the community.
- Preference given to individuals able to demonstrate an active presence and representation within the community.
- Willing and able to devote 2-4 hours a month of volunteer, non-reimbursed and non-compensated time.
- The terms of the members shall be two years; the terms shall be staggered so that one-half of the members are appointed each year. In the event of a death or resignation of any member, the successor shall be appointed in the manner provided for original appointment, to serve for the unexpired portion of the term for which such member has been appointed
- A convener will be appointed by the Chief. This convener must be acceptable to 60% of the board.
- The board will, at a minimum, meet on a bi-monthly basis, at regularly scheduled times. Additional meetings may be called at the discretion of the convener after consultation with the Chief, by a majority of the board, or by the Chief.
- A simple majority (half plus one) of the appointed board will represent quorum. A quorum must be present to conduct a board meeting. A simple majority of those present will be required to forward any recommendation to the Chief.
- The Code of Ethics of the City and County of Denver will be used as a guiding resource document to determine if a conflict of interest exists.
- Board members are expected to participate on a regular basis. An absence from three meetings in a twelve-month period may constitute reason for removal from the board.
- A board member may resign his or her position at any time by providing written notification to the convener.
- The Chief or convener with consultation from the Chief may remove a member from the board for inappropriate conduct prior to the expiration of their term. Before removing a board member, the person proposing removal must specify the reason for removal and give the board member the opportunity to make a personal explanation.
- Board members will demonstrate actively involved collaborative communication between the police and community, especially in times of tension or crisis.
- All advisory board meetings will be private and by invitation or membership only. Reports and recommendations will be public.
- Each board must consist of no less than seven board members and no more than twenty-one board members.
- Members of the board shall mirror, as much as possible, the demographics and different communities of the City and County of Denver, and shall be inclusive of Denver’s community.
- There will be an open application process available for interested civilians. Recommendations to this board are encouraged but not required.
Public Meetings

June 19, 9 a.m. at the Webb Building, 201 W. Colfax Ave., Dept. of Excise & License, Dept. 206. Public hearing on an application for a hotel and restaurant liquor-Choice Modern Convenience, 1770 Broadway.
June 26, 1:30 p.m. at the Webb Guilding, 201 W. Colfax Ave., Dept. of Excise & License, Dept. 206. Public hearing on application for a hotel and restaurant liquor/standard cabaret license - Element Kitchen + Cocktail-Sneekeazy, 1134 Broadway.
July 25, 9 a.m. at the Webb Building, 201 W. Colfax Ave., Room 2.H.14. Appeal of denial of a permit to erect an addition at 1201 E. 7th Ave. that will increase the existing excess building coverage of 62 square feet for a total of 2,739 SF (37.5% or 2,415-sqf permitted), in a U-SU-B1 Zone.
August 8, 11 a.m. at the Webb Building, 201 W. Colfax Ave., Room 2.H.14. Appeal of a denial for an over-height fence @ 1424 Cook St.
June 26, 1:30 p.m. at the Webb Guilding, 201 W. Colfax Ave., Dept. of Excise & License, Dept. 206. Public hearing on application for a hotel and restaurant liquor/standard cabaret license - Element Kitchen + Cocktail-Sneekeazy, 1134 Broadway.
July 25, 9 a.m. at the Webb Building, 201 W. Colfax Ave., Room 2.H.14. Appeal of denial of a permit to erect an addition at 1201 E. 7th Ave. that will increase the existing excess building coverage of 62 square feet for a total of 2,739 SF (37.5% or 2,415-sqf permitted), in a U-SU-B1 Zone.
August 8, 11 a.m. at the Webb Building, 201 W. Colfax Ave., Room 2.H.14. Appeal of a denial for an over-height fence @ 1424 Cook St.
Comments are closed.
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