Message from the Co-Presidents
Once again we have much to report about the progress we are making as an organization. Beginning with our 10th Annual Wine Tasting event spearheaded by our new VP of Fundraising Shirley Howson.
Early on we received feedback from board members asking if we could do away with paper tickets and sell online instead. Shirley met with a few folks and before we knew it we were hooked up with a ticketing platform that we know you are going to love. Bye bye paper tickets! Our new VP of Membership Georgia Burleson has also been hard at work combing through member files in an effort to move the organization to a new platform designed to give members a better and more consistent experience while offering us a more effective means of communicating with our membership universe. One of the most significant improvements members will notice is our new business membership which includes a searchable directory so local businesses can promote their products and services to the residents of the greater Capitol Hill area. Georgia also simplified our membership structure with new payment options that offer extra savings for choosing annual recurring memberships. We know many of our members have not received the kind of attention and communication that can foster more involvement and as a result we are taking steps to make sure we are more engaged and are offering more opportunities for all of our members. We think you will be pleased with the changes and improvements yet to come. As always, we want to hear your thoughts! Travis Leiker & Mark Cossin Co-Presidents, Board of Delegates Buy Tickets Now for the 10th Annual CHUN Wine Tasting![]()
Delicious wines. Yummy food. A silent auction. All the makings of a delightful evening. Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods hosts its 10th annual wine tasting on Wednesday, September 13.
Tickets are on sale now. Use our online ticketing system to purchase yours now. Bring your friends. Support your Registered Neighborhood Organization and have a ton of fun doing it! You're Part of the East Central Area Planning Process - Take the Survey Now and Let the City Know What YOU Think
The City is updating its overall plan for the area that includes many of the neighborhoods that are part of Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods. Learn about the process here.
The planning process will last for about 18 months but the results will last for the next 20 years, so it's important that citizens help guide the planners to get the results you want. An online survey will help guide the planners. The people who live in these neighborhoods will be affected the most and our opinions should be heard. Please take the online survey. Denver Moves: Pedestrian and Trails Public Meetings
The City and County of Denver is hosting a second round of public meetings to discuss priority pedestrian and trail improvement projects that address the needs and community values identified during previous public outreach in October 2016.
This second round of public meetings and outreach will also be an opportunity to examine costs, funding options and policies required to achieve the community’s vision for a walkable Denver and a world-class trail system. Look for a public input opportunity near you, all meetings will be from 5:30-7pm and will present the same material and opportunities for input.
This will be the first plan dedicated specifically to improving pedestrian and off-street trail experiences citywide. Ultimately, the plan will include a prioritized guide for improving Denver streets and crossings for people walking and providing trails that are appealing for both recreational and transportation purposes. For more information please go to and click on the “Pedestrians & Trails” tab. Cherry Creek Area Greenway Plan Needs Your Input![]()
The second Cherry Creek Area Implementation Plan public meeting was held on July 27 when the three concept plans for the Cherry Creek Greenway were presented.
There was an excellent turnout. The three concepts have been posted on the website. The Department of Parks and Recreation is asking everyone – whether you attended the public meeting or not – to review the plans and send your comments and ratings. More Events in Parks or Give Them a Rest? Take the Survey
Should Denver's 7 busiest parks continue to have monthly "rest periods" from permitted public events? Take the survey now! It will close August 15.
In order to help protect park resources and maintain balance between recreational use and public events, a rest period was implemented for the 2016 permit season in Denver's seven busiest parks, including Cheesman and City Parks and Civic Center. This pilot program was originally planned for April 1-October 31, 2016, but was extended to the same time period in 2017 in order to obtain meaningful feedback and determine any adjustments needed for 2018. Rest periods ranged from 2 to 4 weekend days per month (see this link for details). In addition, the 5th weekend in a month was not booked for public events (with exceptions for historical priority events), and no new events were booked on Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day. Green Corner: Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods Walks the Talk on Recycling![]()
If you're familiar with Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods then you know that our mission is, "Planning. Preserving. Improving." That's a mission that our caretaker, Randle Loeb, takes to heart every day. Randle is a keen practitioner of recycling.
After every event at the Tears-McFarlane House Randle carefully separates out all the recyclable materials that he can. He's done such a great job that we've finally exceeded the capacity we have to store the recyclables until they're picked up every week. At the beginning of August Randle told us: "This weekend recycling topped out at the highest yield in memory salvaging more than three full bins of cardboard, glass, aluminum and plastic. We are blessed to be able to return to use significant precious resources and at the same time minimize the impact of our wastes in landfills. Our trash haulers love to empty our site because there is a dearth of refuse week in and out. We have also conserved significant materials that used to be tossed out, which we purchased in bulk. Congratulations Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods!" Actually, congratulations - and hearty thanks - are due to Randle for being so diligent on our behalf. Lala's Movie Under the Moon Draws Large, Friendly Crowd
A crowd of about 650 people spread out on the lawn at Governor's Park for an open-air showing of "The Goonies." This is the eighth year that Lala's Wine Bar and Pizzeria has hosted the community event.
Before the movie Lala's sold delicious thin-crust pizza, beer, wine and water, with a portion of the proceeds going to support Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods. Thanks to Premier Ventures and owners Mike Plancarte and John Ott - for your generous and unwavering support of Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods. Homeless Get a Little Help from Their Friends
Taskforce Denver Homeless took over the Tears-McFarlane House on Saturday, August 5 for a day-long event that provided services to many of Denver's homeless citizens.
The Laundry Truck parked outside so people could get a load of washing done. Denver Human Services, TLC Mobile Dental, May Trucking, and Universal Lending were also there. Taskforce Denver Homeless was begun in 2015 by Tammy Bellofatto, who has a day job working for the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless helping with vocational training and job placements. Tammy's work with the Taskforce and the Coalition is the reason Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods awarded her a 2016 Good Neighbor Award. Handy Resource - Community Safety Guide
The Safety, Health and Consumer Council have provided a handy online Community Safety Guide. It has ideas for how to protect your person, your family and your property.
More Upcoming EventsWho Will Make Decisions for You If You Can't Make Them Yourself?
Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods and Centura Health present an Advance Directive Workshop.
What: Learn about why you should have a signed Advance Directive/Living Will so that your loved ones won't have to make life and death decisions for you if you're incapacitated by injury or illness. Who: This workshop is primarily for people older than 50, but anyone is welcome. When: September 9, 10:00 a.m. Where: Tears-McFarlane House, 1290 Williams St. A light breakfast will be available. Please let us know you're coming: RSVP by September 6! Committee Updates![]()
CHUN Historic Preservation Committee - June 26, 2017
The Committee had several presentations:
Public Meetings
Sept. 6, 3:00 p.m. City and County Bldg., 1437 Bannock, Rm. 389 - Parr-Widener Room, Denver Planning Board Hearing on amended #CSA-2016-0000002-Comprehensive Sign Plan for the area bounded by E. 2nd Ave., E . 1st Ave, Fillmore St. and Milwaukee St.
Sept. 20, 9:00 a.m. Wellington Webb Bldg., 201 W. Colfax Ave., Dept. 206, Excise & Licensing Hearing on new Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License for Q House, 3421 E. Colfax Ave. Comments are closed.
The Urban Dweller is published on the first, working Monday of each month. To submit your content via email, please click on the button below. Content is due by the 25th DAY of each month.