September Is Membership Month! |
Go Take a Walk! Community Workshop to Begin 5280 Loop Planning The 5280 Loop is envisioned to be a 5.280-mile, world-class urban trail in the center of the city. It would go through several Central Denver neighborhoods, including Capitol Hill, LoDo, Ballpark, Golden Triangle, La Alma/Lincoln Park and Auraria. The Downtown Denver Partnership is behind the effort and in conjunction with its planning consultant, Civitas, is holding outreach sessions to discuss "specific considerations for each area." The first one in Capitol Hill ("Planning Area #3) is scheduled for Wednesday, October 4, 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the First Baptist Church, 1373 Grant St.. for more info. |
Public Meetings
Oct. 3, 10 a.m. - 201 West Colfax Avenue, Room 2.H.14, Webb Municipal Office Bldg. Appeal of an order to discontinue maintaining a 6 foot gate forward of the Primary Street facing Primary Structure façade (4 foot permitted), built without permits, in a U-SU-C zone.
Oct. 11, 9 a.m. - 201 West Colfax Ave., Dept. of Excise and Licenses. Public Hearing on Distillery Pub Liquor License and Acoustic Cabaret License at 244 South Broadway, Denver, Colorado.
Nov. 7, 10 a.m. - 201 West Colfax Avenue, Room 2.H.14, Webb Municipal Office Bldg. Appeal of a denial of a permit to amend/divide an existing zone lot into two zone lots, resulting in an existing residential structure encroaching 6 inches into the 3 foot north side interior setback, and projecting
approximately 4.5 feet through the north bulk plane in the front 65% of the zone lot, in a U-TU-B zone.
Oct. 11, 9 a.m. - 201 West Colfax Ave., Dept. of Excise and Licenses. Public Hearing on Distillery Pub Liquor License and Acoustic Cabaret License at 244 South Broadway, Denver, Colorado.
Nov. 7, 10 a.m. - 201 West Colfax Avenue, Room 2.H.14, Webb Municipal Office Bldg. Appeal of a denial of a permit to amend/divide an existing zone lot into two zone lots, resulting in an existing residential structure encroaching 6 inches into the 3 foot north side interior setback, and projecting
approximately 4.5 feet through the north bulk plane in the front 65% of the zone lot, in a U-TU-B zone.
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