Message from the President Greetings, Thank you for reading the latest edition of the Urban Dweller. As we look to September, and the beginning autumn, there are many ways you can connect with neighbors and get active in your community.
Let us pursue excellence. Travis Leiker President, Board of Delegates Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods Wine, Tasty Treats and Unique Finds at CHUN's Wine Tasting ![]() CHUN's 11th Annual Wine Tasting is just weeks away. Join Your Neighbors & Friends and support Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods . Live Music, Light Appetizers & Wine in the Garden at the historic Tears McFarlane House on Cheesman Park. Bid on silent auction items including a VIP New York Experience to see Hamilton! Other auction items include a Scooter, a Wall of Wine, Condo packages and more. Tickets are $25 before September 7 and $35 thereafter. If you haven't purchased tickets yet for this festive evening that supports CHUN's work in the community, don't miss out - do it now. You must be 21 or older if you wish to attend. Sign Up for DRCOG's Citizen's Academy by September 5Applications for DRCOG’s fall 2018 Citizens’ Academy are now open. DRCOG now operates the Citizens’ Academy, formerly a program of Transit Alliance. Through the nationally recognized academy, participants learn about mobility and land use from local experts and leaders, network with other residents and act on what they’ve learned. Since 2007, more than 800 from around the region have completed the academy, increasing their knowledge of regional issues and enhancing their leadership capacity. The academy is also a great opportunity for prospective or current local government leaders. DRCOG is now accepting applications for the fall 2018 session at: The application period will close on Sept. 5. The seven-week academy begins Sept. 27. If you have any questions about DRCOG’s Citizens’ Academy, please contact: Brad Calvert, Director, Regional Planning and Development, [email protected], 303-480-6839. Denver's Sidewalk Repair Initiative...Learn MoreThe City of Denver has announced that it is going to inspect sidewalks in the Capitol Hill area (and eventually all 11 areas of the city), looking for damaged, sloped or uneven sidewalks. Any portion of your sidewalk that has an offset of more than ¾” is considered to be a tripping hazard. The offending slab must be adjusted or replaced. While the technology behind concrete sidewalks is well understood by most, people are less informed with repair methods for the historic flagstone slabs that pave some of the older sections of the city. These sandstone slabs have lasted over 100 years. With adjustment, many of them can last much longer. Come to this presentation about repair methods for flagstone. You can ask questions of the professionals who have agreed to demonstrate their methods. These folks have agreed to discuss what can and cannot be done with flagstone pavers. The presentation will be held in the front yard at 1647 Emerson Street on Wednesday evening 9/5 at 6:00 p.m. and is hosted by Diane Travis. Come, ask questions, watch the demonstration, become informed about your options. Diane hopes to have:
Changes Coming to Sherman Street; Your Time to Weigh In.![]() A major rezoning is proposed for parts of Sherman Street between 16th and 19th Avenues. It is a significant zoning change that would affect a significant part of the Uptown neighborhood. If adopted by City Council, the result likely would be taller and denser buildings along Sherman Street than currently allowed. A neighborhood community meeting to learn more about it and discuss it with planners and developers is scheduled for Tuesday, September 11, at 6 PM. The neighborhood community meeting about this far-reaching zoning proposal will be held at the Colorado Health Foundation building, 1780 Pennsylvania Street. This is your opportunity to weigh in with your opinions. The proposal will be filed soon with the Denver Department of Community Planning and Development for formal consideration. Denver City Council will be asked for its approval on the final version. The proposal calls for extending the Downtown zone district farther to the east to include more of Sherman Street, and would also realign the western boundary of the City Park/Natural History Museum view plane; off-street parking is immediately to the south of the building. Don’t miss this opportunity to find out about this proposal and offer your opinion. See How Traffic Calming Works in Action at 3 DemosWalkDenver heard from many residents concerned about speeding vehicles and unsafe crossings, especially near several schools and community destinations located along Tejon Street. From September 8 to 14, a pop-up demonstration will show how sidewalk buffers, mini roundabouts, curb extensions (also known as bulbouts), chicanes, and protected bike lanes can help reduce vehicle speeds and make it safer for people to walk and bike along and across Tejon. Using data from our "It's Time to Fix Federal Boulevard" report, the Regis University Community Council identified the intersection of Federal and West 50th Ave. as an intersection that would benefit from quick safety improvements. In addition to providing access to the university, several bus routes pass through this intersection and 50th has a buffered bike lane that bicyclists use to get across Federal. On Saturday, October 6, we'll be hosting a pop-up event at this intersection that includes temporary curb extensions, bike lane protection, a temporary median, and better bus stops. If you'd like to learn more about this project and how you can volunteer, visit the event's Facebook page and attend the upcoming community meeting on September 10. Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods (CHUN) reached out to WalkDenver about ideas to address issues of speeding, unsafe crossings, and narrow sidewalks along 13th Avenue. CHUN members identified the Marion and Lafayette intersections as examples of unsafe intersections where we can install temporary curb extensions, crosswalks, and possibly a parklet as potential design treatments that could be used all along the 13th Ave corridor. The anticipated date for the pop-up is Saturday September 29, 2018. Volunteers are needed to help make it happen! On Saturday, September 22, we will have a data collection event where we will be measuring vehicle speeds prior to our pop-up event. We may also need volunteers on that day to help prep materials for the event. Then on Saturday, September 29, we will need volunteers to help set up before the event, monitor and collect surveys during the event, and help tear down after the event. Sign up to volunteer and please help us spread the word! City Park Improvements Public Meeting![]() Please join Denver Parks & Recreation at the Dustin Redd Playground and South Meadow Public Open House! Stop by to see the concept designs for both areas and share your ideas with the project team for this Elevate Denver Bond Program Project. Learn more about the Dustin Redd Playground and South Meadow at and take the survey now! WHEN: Tuesday, September 11, 2018, 5:00PM – 7:00PM WHERE: City Park Pavilion | 1700 N. York St. Elevate Denver is a 10-year, $937 million general obligation bond program approved by voters in 2017 that will enhance the City and County of Denver by providing critical citywide improvements to the infrastructure that makes Denver, Denver—our roads and sidewalks, parks and playgrounds, libraries and museums. For more information, go to Denver Arts Week Features "Patternality" Patternality opens September 13 in the Mile High City’s tallest sky scraper and runs through November 15. The exhibit will be on display through Denver Arts Week and features multiple artists’ variations of the theme of “pattern” in abstract, non-objective ways, from reflective and amorphous to definitive and geometric. The public is invited to a free opening reception on Thursday, September 13 from 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. in the lobby and concourse levels at Republic Plaza. The works in Patternality include 2D and 3D work in a variety of media, paintings, prints, photography, mixed media and feature contemporary repetitive designs and imagery, with definitive personalities, in both muted and flamboyant colors, showing reflective markings as well as active dynamic compositions. “We are thrilled to support the arts in the Mile High City through yet another exhibition during Denver Arts Week. Patternality as well as Sky Wide at 1801 California will draw even more attention to Denver’s thriving art scene,” states David Sternberg, Executive Vice President of Brookfield Properties. Mayor's Cabinet in the City - September 22 Sip & Savor to Benefit Urban Peak & Cherry Creek Library Each year Cherry Creek North Neighborhood Organization organizes the Sip & Savor Benefit to raise funds for local non-profit organizations. The 2018 Sip & Savor Benefit will be held Thursday September 20 at Room & Board located at 222 Detroit Street. Swirls and sips are compliments of The Vineyard Wine Shop and Vinue Food and Wine Bar. Delicious snacks are provided by Milwaukee St. Tavern, The Thirsty Lion, Grind, North Italia, and Maggie and Molly’s Bakery. These generous sponsors are donating their goods and services for the benefit and all proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to Urban Peak and the Ross-Cherry Creek Library equally. Urban Peak is the only non-profit organization in Denver that provides a full complement of services for youth ages 15 through 24 experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk of becoming homeless. It’s a Colorado organization so all the dollars go directly to serve Denver Metro youth. Urban Peak’s goal is to help these young people become self-sufficient adults. The Ross-Cherry Creek Library connects people with information, ideas, and experiences to enrich lives and strengthen the community. The Ross-Cherry Creek Library will use these funds to support ongoing programs at its local branch, such as discussion groups, book groups, community conversations, story times and much more. The Benefit is open to all. Tickets are $45 for non-CCNNA members and $30 for CCNNA members. Tickets may be purchased at Draft 2019 Housing Action Plan Available for Public CommentThe Denver Office of Economic Development (OED) has released a draft 2019 annual housing action plan for public comment. OED is soliciting feedback on the city’s draft 2019 Action Plan for Affordable Housing. The action plan outlines specific work informed by Housing an Inclusive Denver, the city’s five-year comprehensive housing plan. The 2019 Action Plan is available for comment through September 14, 2018 through the following online survey. OED has worked with the Housing Advisory Committee (HAC) since May to inform the draft 2019 Action Plan. The public review draft of the plan was approved for public comment at the August HAC meeting, and final changes to the plan will be considered by the HAC later this fall. The purpose of the 2019 Action Plan is to guide the city’s investments and policy priorities in support of Housing an Inclusive Denver over the coming year. The document outlines:
The Denver Office of Economic Development (OED) is dedicated to advancing economic prosperity for the City of Denver, its businesses, neighborhoods and residents. Working with a wide variety of community partners, OED operates to create a local environment that stimulates balanced growth through job creation, business assistance, housing options, neighborhood redevelopment and the development of a skilled workforce. Job Training and Economic Development OpportunitiesThe Denver Office of Economic Development (OED) plans to celebrate Workforce Development Month throughout September with a special calendar of more than 20 job fairs, free trainings, and workshops to help area jobseekers find new career opportunities. The calendar includes special pre-employment and job search programs designed just for veterans, older workers, youth, and jobseekers focusing on industries such as health care and technology. Details of all the free events are available at Welcome Commander Sanchez ![]() Please welcome Denver Police Department District 6 Commander Aaron Sanchez. Born and raised in Denver, Commander Sanchez is a graduate of Metropolitan State College and University of Colorado Denver, and a Lincoln High Lancer alum. He has been with the Denver Police Department for 26 years, where he was a Neighborhood Police Officer in the Westwood and Barnum neighborhoods where he grew up. During this time, he served as the Southwest Improvement Council and Cinco De Mayo cruising officer liaison, created the first neighborhood graffiti patrol nights, and participated in Barnum Breakfast with Santa, Children’s Hospital Courage Classic, and Special Olympics Torch run member. As a father of three boys and passionate about helping Denver’s youth succeed, Commander Sanchez started an annual scholarship with fellow officers while he was working at high school sports games for student athletes and was honored as DPS Officer of the Year. He has also served as a Law Enforcement Advocate through Denver Juvenile Probation and Denver Public Schools. After numerous assignments throughout the department, Commander Sanchez is looking forward to being part of the District 6 community. Other key members in District 6 include Officer Terri Gessner, Community Resource Officer and Lieutenants Tony Galloway, Mike Cody, Bob Wyckoff and Ken Chavez. Accelerate Neighborhood Climate Action News ![]() By Jim and Oliveann Slotta On a hot, 98-degree Thursday evening in mid-July, 25 neighborhood residents left their air-conditioned homes to share 2018 accomplishments from their Climate Action Forum planning activities and enjoy an Ice Cream Social. The reports took the form of posters designed on the spot from prepared supplies provided by the program committee. Participants then did a “Gallery Walk” to learn from each other what was working well in each of the six forum neighborhoods held to date. The Action Plans written to date fall into these overall categories: Water Education, Waste Diversion, Local Food, Encourage Walkability and Alternative Transportation, Block-by-Block Connections, Home Carbon Use, and Trees. Informative reports were also provided by Taylor Moellers, from the City of Denver Dept. of Environmental Health, and by Sven Ceelen on his new software program featuring the metrics of lowering one’s carbon footprint. Approximately 150 Denver residents—mostly from Greater Capitol Hill neighborhoods—have attended Climate Action Forums. Thanks were given to the donors of food for the event—King Soopers, and local ice cream producers Bonnie Brae and Liks. Committee members provided additional materials and beverages. Acknowledgement was given as well to CHUN for the use of the Community Hall. To date, twenty-two Denver businesses and agencies have provided financial or in-kind support for the climate program. Is your neighborhood ready to organize a Climate Action Forum? Several neighbors representing previous forums who attended the recent Ice Cream Social volunteered to help other CHUN neighborhoods and also those across the city, organize their events. Email [email protected] to schedule your event. Program partners are CHUN, Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSUD), and the Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA-USA). More details at our website: or our Facebook page. Jim Slotta is a CHUN board member and represents CHUN on Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation. News of Interest to CHUN Neighborhoods
CHUN Committee Updates Zoning, Transportation, Land Use and Licensing Committee Wednesday, August 3, 1201 Williams St., 19th Floor. Discussion with Kate Williams, RTD Director representing the CHUN boundaries
Discussion with Adan Jadun and Mike Koslow, Senior Public Works Engineers overseeing transportation infrastructure in the CHUN Boundaries.
Next meeting scheduled for October 3, 7 p.m., 1201 Williams St., 19th Floor. Historic Preservation Committee Monday, August 27, at the Castle Marne Bed and Breakfast, at 1572 Race Street.
There will be a “focus group” on Tuesday September 25 at 6pm in the 19th-floor party room at 1201 Williams Street about historic preservation issues as part of the city’s East-Central Neighborhood Planning Initiative. Please plan to attend to express your concerns about historic neighborhoods. The committee’s next meeting will be on Monday October 29 at 7pm. The main agenda item will be an opportunity to review and discuss the results of the Discover Denver surveys of the City Park West and West Cheesman Park neighborhoods. Upcoming Public Meetings CHANGE OF DATE!! The "Needs & Desires" hearing before Denver Excise and Licenses regarding a proposed NEW "Brew Pub" liquor license for 205 E. 7th Avenue (to be called Counter Culture Brewing) has been changed. The new date and time is September 5th at 1:30 PM in the offices of Denver Excise and Licenses, 201 W. Colfax Avenue, Dept. 206 (Wellington Webb Building). Additional information, including the map that designates the area around the property to be considered the "neighborhood" for purposes of Needs & Desires, can be obtained from Denver Excise and Licenses. Contact Bruce Turner at that agency at [email protected] (720-865-2737).
A "Needs & Desires" hearing before Denver Excise and Licenses regarding a proposed NEW "Tavern" liquor license for 201 Columbine Street, Suite 300, to be called Kontor. The hearing will be held on September 10th at 1:30 PM in the offices of Denver Excise and Licenses, 201 W. Colfax Avenue, Dept. 206 (Wellington Webb Building). Additional information, including the map that designates the area around the property to be considered the "neighborhood" for purposes of Needs & Desires, can be obtained from Denver Excise and Licenses. Contact Bruce Turner at that agency at [email protected] (720-865-2737). Public Hearing before the Board of Adjustment regarding the property at 1343 Clayton Street - appeal of a Denial of a new 2 story addition with a bulk plan violation. Hearing to be held on September 4th at 10:30 AM at the Wellington Webb Office Building, 201 W. Colfax Avenue, 2nd Floor Tower Hearing Room, 2.H.14. Contact Denver Board of Adjustment regarding Case No. 121-18 for more information (720-913-3052). Public Hearing before the Board of Adjustment regarding the property at 2660 E. 14th Avenue - appeal of a Denial of a new carport. Hearing to be held on September 11th at 10:00 AM at the Wellington Webb Office Building, 201 W. Colfax Avenue, 2nd Floor Tower Hearing Room, 2.H.14. Contact Denver Board of Adjustment regarding Case No. 122-18 for more information (720-913-3052). ZPIN notice regarding a portion of the yard fence 632 Humboldt Street (located in the Driving Park Historic District). Portions of the fence may extend up to 8 feet in height. Comments are due by September 12th. Contact Associated City Planner Adrienne Lorantos at [email protected] for more information. Public Hearing before the Board of Adjustment regarding the property at 2001 Emerson Street - appeal by the Old San Rafael Neighborhood Organization of an Administrative Review regarding a Change of Use approval from Single Unit Dwelling to Group Living (Residential Care / Transitional Housing). Hearing to be held on October 2nd at 11:00 AM at the Wellington Webb Office Building, 201 W. Colfax Avenue, 2nd Floor Tower Hearing Room, 2.H.14. Contact Denver Board of Adjustment regarding Case No. 132-18 for more information (720-913-3052). A "Needs & Desires" hearing before Denver Excise and Licenses regarding a proposed TRANSFER of a "Tavern" liquor license from 955 Bannock Street to 820 Sherman Street and for a new Dance Cabaret License at the Sherman Street address. The hearing will be held on October 5th at 9 AM in the offices of Denver Excise and Licenses, 201 W. Colfax Avenue, Dept. 206 (Wellington Webb Building). Additional information, including the map that designates the area around the property to be considered the "neighborhood" for purposes of Needs & Desires, can be obtained from Denver Excise and Licenses. Contact Bruce Turner at that agency at [email protected] (720-865-2737). Comments are closed.
The Urban Dweller is published on the first, working Monday of each month. To submit your content via email, please click on the button below. Content is due by the 25th DAY of each month.