Message From the President
In the meantime, if you would like to connect or have something you would like to share with Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods, please feel free to email us. We want to hear from you! Travis Leiker President, Board of Delegates Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods, Inc. Upcoming Events
Meetings and ForumsZoning, Transportation & Licensing Committee The next meeting of the Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods Zoning, Transportation and Licensing Committee will be focused on Denver's Initiative 300, which citizens will be voting on in the May municipal election. If enacted, Initiative 300 would change Denver's laws regarding occupancy of public places by those experiencing homelessness. Titled the "Right to Survive" initiative by its proponents, this is shaping up to be the most controversial initiative on the upcoming ballot. Speakers from both the "pro" and "con" side will be at this meeting to discuss the issues, along with a representative of a service provider to provide information regarding the background issue of homelessness in Denver.
City Needs Your Help with Neighborhood Plan Focus GroupsAs the City moves forward with the planning process for the East Central area, which includes several CHUN neighborhoods (North Capitol Hill, City Park West, City Park, Capitol Hill, Cheesman Park and Congress Park), it has planned five limited topic focus groups in April, all at the Carla Madison Recreation Center, 2401 E. Colfax Ave., and all from 6-8 p.m. Make plans to participate in one or more of them
East and East Central Area Plans: Mobility Focus Group #2The City and County of Denver invites you to participate in a discussion regarding mobility and transportation in the East (South Park Hill, Hale, Montclair, and East Colfax) and East Central (North Capitol Hill, Capitol Hill, City Park West, Cheesman Park, City Park, and Congress Park) planning areas. As a reminder, the City is working on a long-range plan for each of these groups of neighborhoods as part of the Neighborhood Planning Initiative. We would like your help identifying critical issues and developing strategies around mobility for the residents of East and East Central. The first focus group was held to frame the issues and provide direction to the project team in January—thank you for your participation at that meeting. You are invited to attend the second discussion to develop recommendations that address key issues and meet community goals. April 17th, 2019 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Carla Madison Recreation Center 2401 E. Colfax Avenue Denver, Colorado 80206 Your input is vital to the success of this planning effort and subsequent implementation. Please contact [email protected] with any questions or suggestions for additional invitees. Public HearingsApplication for Transfer of Ownership of a liquor license by RB Cherry Creek, LLC, d/b/a The Halcyon, 245 Columbine St. Objections to this transfer must be based only on character and reputation of the applicant and must be registered with the Executive Director of the Dept. of Excise and Licenses at 201 W. Colfax Ave., Dept. 206, Denver CO, 80202 by the close of business April 2, 2019. Hearing for an Application for a Vintner’s Restaurant Liquor License (#2019-BFN-0001165) for the Carboy Winery at Govnrs Park LLC 400 E. 7th Ave. April 17, 2019, 9 a.m., 201 W. Colfax Ave. Dept. 206. Petitions and remonstrances must be filed with Dept. of Excise and Licenses at least seven days before hearing. More information: Sharon Kinvig, 720-865-2748, [email protected]. Board of Adjustment hearing for an Appeal of Denial for a multiunit building with max. allowable height violation at 1860 Gaylord St. Case No. 43-10. April 23, 9:30 a.m. , 201 W. Colfax Ave., Room 2.H.14. ZPIN Notification (#2019-ZONE-0001194) for Application for a Home-Based Office (sports massage therapy) at 733 E. 2nd Ave., Apt. 104 (La Paloma Condominiums) zoned G-MU5, UO-3. Objections must be made in writing prior to April 22, 2019 to Development Services, Dept. of Community Planning and Development, 201 W. Colfax Ave., Dept. 205, Denver, CO 80202. More information from RJ Carmine Giorso at 720-865-2979, [email protected]. Hearing for an Application for a Modification of Premises for the permanent expansion to encompass the back patio lot at the Bar Car, 819 Colorado Blvd. May 1, 2019, 201 W. Colfax Ave., Dept. 206, 9 a.m. Petitions and remonstrances must be filed with Dept. of Excise and Licenses, 201 W. Colfax Ave., Dept. 206, Denver, CO 80202 at least seven days before hearing. Top Neighborhood News StoriesEsquire Theatre to Re-Open With Upgrades This SummerThe official statement states that repairs and upgrades are being made and a tentative opening date in early summer is planned. “As we have been working on our repairs we have also been making some exciting new upgrades. Patrons can look forward to new seats, a new concession stand and updated amenities,” the Facebook post announced. “We plan to re-open in early summer. Thank you for your continued patience and support!”
Additional Stories in the Neighborhood
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